
health & performance

Helping people reshape their behavioral patterns and stress responses so that they can break free from recurring narratives and discover their authentic self

We Help People Build Life Skills

In Neurogenics, we view every detail of personality as a skill. You might think that some aspects of your character are completely negative or impossible to change, but that’s not true. Behaviors or habits that harm you now might have helped you at some point or might still be helping you without your awareness. Any “negative” aspect you use to define your character is changeable. Sometimes, we just need to learn how to use that character trait to our advantage. Here are some of the life skills we work on:

Emotional Skills

  • Stress management

  • Patience

  • Resiliency

  • Gratitude

  • Empathising with others

  • Ability to feel joy

  • Ability to stop worrying

  • Ability to let yourself feel emotions like anger or sadness

Behavioural Skills

  • Time management

  • Self confidence

  • Problem solving

  • Decision making

  • Goal setting

  • Positive thinking

  • Reappraisal

  • Positive Attitude

  • Ability to stop rumination

Social Skills

  • Active Listening

  • Assertiveness

  • Ability to say no

  • Asking for help

  • Being there for others

  • Ability to show and receive love

  • Rejection Tolerance

  • Ability to give positive and negative feedback

Redefining Health and Performance

Neurogenics uses a biopsychosocial approach, focusing on the interconnectedness of mind, body, and social relationships. Often, people think in binary terms—body vs. mind, healthy vs. sick, all or nothing—forgetting there’s an infinite spectrum of colors between black and white. By relying on these opposites, we save mental energy, but this tendency can also give rise to many of our struggles.


When we think about health, we often define it as the absence of illness. In our minds, we’re either “healthy” or “sick.” Yet, there’s a vast spectrum between these two states. Consider those mornings when you wake up feeling low on energy or struggling to focus. These moments fall within that gray area of well-being, often overlooked.

And what about social health? Can we truly call our relationships “healthy” if we don’t feel seen, heard, or understood? This ties back to our nervous system’s functioning. We’re constantly exchanging messages with those around us, and every thought, feeling, and sensation triggers a response in our nervous system. When these sensations become overwhelming, they can remain physically stored in our bodies until we process and “digest” them.


We frequently limit our potential by labeling certain abilities as fixed traits. However, performance isn’t static. It’s something we engage in and reinforce daily. Every time we act out a behavior, it’s like adding another layer to who we are. Over time, with consistent repetition, these actions become automatic.

The challenge arises when behaviors that once served us well start creating problems. They might still have a purpose in specific contexts, but over time, they can also lead to limitations and issues.